About the Bibliography

The publications of the members and affiliates of the TU Ilmenau are listed in the University Bibliography. An exception is the record of graduation theses. The publications must have been produced in connection with an activity at the university.

Here, "publication" means:
The document is accessible to the general public in printed or electronic form.
In the case of a printed form, this is usually the case if the publication is or was available in bookstores. The electronic form requires stable and long-term availability on the Internet (e.g. on the archive servers of libraries or publishers).

The information on the publications is automatically transferred to the University Bibliography or to the editorial team via databases or through your registrations or list submission. All entries are checked editorially by the University Library, corrected if necessary and finally released.

To ensure that the cataloging is uniform and bibliographically accurate, the departments provide the University Library with complete copies of articles from journals that not available in the library's holdings for cataloging. For all other publications that are also not in the library's holdings, we ask that they be made available for inspection or that a voucher copy be provided for the library's holdings.

The development of the University Bibliography is supported by the state of Thuringia as part of the Thuringian digital strategy. And it is being done in cooperation with the Library Service Center Thuringia as well as the Verbundzentrale des Gemeinsamen Bibliotheksverbundes.


The University Bibliography records independent and dependent publications that have appeared in print or in digital form. These can be, for example, monographs, articles in periodicals and contributions in collective works, but also audio documents and multimedia digital publications.

All members and affiliates of the TU Ilmenau can register their publications to the University Bibliography. This requires a login with the UniRZ login. Former members should contact the editorial team of the University Bibliography.

On the page „Registering a publication“ you get to the input mask for publications by entering an identifier (e.g. DOI) or by entering author and title of the publication.

Submitted publications are reviewed by an editorial team at the Ilmenau University Library. This may cause time delays. Entries may be corrected and reprocessed to ensure consistent data quality with respect to statistical analysis.

These titles are publications that were created in the context of an activity at the TU Ilmenau.

Essay / Article
An essay / article is a self-contained, dependent contribution to a specific topic / question that has been published together with other contributions in a journal.
Conference paper
A conference paper is a paper that was produced as part of a conference and has been published in a conference proceedings, journal, or repository.
Book essay / Chapter
A book essay / chapter is a self-contained, dependent contribution to a specific topic / question that has been published together with other contributions, for example in a book.
An abstract is a short text summarizing a presentation at a conference and published either in a scientific journal or in conference proceedings.
Preface / Epilog
A preface / epilog is a self-contained, dependent contribution to the introduction or conclusion of a topic in a journal or book.
Book (monograph)
A book, written by one or more authors, dedicated to a specific topic and presenting it comprehensively and in consideration of the relevant research results.
Book (collection)
A book edited by one or more people. It contains contributions in the form of book essays / chapters by different authors.
Conference proceedings
A book edited by one or more people. It contains contributions of a scientific conference in the form of book essays / chapters by different authors.
Working paper
Discussion papers or working papers are usually multi-page publications by scientists that do not appear in journals or textbooks, but are distributed as project-specific publications, e.g. via the repository of a university.
The “Report” category includes public scientific publications that have either been published by the institution in which the research is carried out or prepared on behalf of an institution. Working papers, expert opinions, research and final reports, e.g. from projects of public institutions can be entered here.
Research data
Research data are data that are generated during the planning, implementation and documentation of scientific projects or are used in such projects. They form an essential foundation of scientific work and document its results. Evaluation, analysis and interpretation of research data enables conclusions to be drawn, generates information and provides new insights.
Interviews related to scientific activities and published in magazines, newspapers, blogs, radio or television can be reported here.
A reference work arranged alphabetically by keywords for all fields of knowledge or for a specific subject area. It contains contributions in the form of book essays / chapters by different authors.
Patent specification
A patent specification refers to a granted patent and contains descriptions and drawings of a technical process or product.
A poster is a visual presentation of scientific results that has been published permanently on the organisers' website or in a repository during a conference.
A preprint is a scientific publication that has already been made available to the (specialist) public but has not yet been peer-reviewed.
A review is an article that contains a critical evaluation of one or sometimes several works.
Bachelor thesis
In international terms, a bachelor's thesis is a scientific or artistic paper written by students to complete a bachelor's degree program.
Master thesis
A master's thesis is an international scientific or artistic work that is written for the completion of a master's degree program. The master's thesis generally serves as proof that the candidate is capable of writing a scientific or artistic paper independently, but under supervision.
Diploma thesis
In Germany, a diploma thesis is the written final paper of a diploma course at a university. The diploma thesis is a written component of a diploma examination and leads to the award of the academic degree (Diplom).
A dissertation is a scientific work to acquire a doctoral degree.
A habilitation is a scientific work to acquire the university teaching qualification.
A journal is a regularly published serial in which contributions with a thematic or subject-related focus are published.
A series is an ongoing collective work comprising several publications, each of which is self-contained but with a general thematic reference to each other.
A newspaper is a regularly published serial that includes articles with current and universal content.
Website / Blog
A blog is a diary-like, publicly accessible website that is constantly updated with comments and notes on specific scientific topics.

Open Access
Open access refers to a resource that is immediately and permanently online, and free for all on the Web, without financial and technical barriers.
Embargoed access
Embargoed access refers to a resource that is metadata only access until released for open access on a certain date. Embargoes can be required by publishers and funders policies, or set by the author.
Restricted access
Restricted access refers to a resource that is available in a system but with some type of restriction for full open access.
Metadata only access
Metadata only access refers to a resource in which access is limited to metadata only. The resource itself is described by the metadata, but neither is directly available through the system or platform.

There are unique identifiers for the person.
There are unique identifiers for the person. The person is also the corresponding author.
The person is assigned to the university and unique identifiers are available for the person.
The person is assigned to the university and unique identifiers are available for the person. The person is also the corresponding author.
If no icon appears next to the person's name, no further information is available.